Electro-pjp 13, rue de Madrid, 39500 TAVAUX (FRANCE) 

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Our meetings

The fairs are gradually starting again and it is without counting that our company will be present at the 2022 edition of Electronica from 15 to 18 November!

To your agendas!



Toutes les Actualités

New 1500 V CAT III magnetic adaptors

Electro-PJP launches its new magnetic adaptors serie with 1500 V CAT III / 1000 V CAT IV safety for RCD, RCCB, GFCI and circuit-breakers: MgP series. The safety of the MgP series magnetic adaptors responds to the three-phase electrical board...

1000 V CAT III adaptor for screw terminal block

Electro-PJP launches its new screw terminal block adaptor with 1000 V CAT III safety : AdaBV140 AdaBV140 allows the connection of a screw terminal block to a measuring device thanks to a 4 mm female banana connector. With a 1000 V CAT...

New plugs for HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicles)

Tomorrow’s cars will be electric cars. At ELECTRO PJP, we are committed to offering you innovative solutions that meet the new challenges of the future. Thus, we present our new range of measuring device connector cables for electric vehicles :...

Kit ArpY

OUR NEW “KIT ARPY” OF ELECTRONIC ACCESSORIES ELECTRO PJP introduces you to its new kit ArpY of electronic accessories dedicated to electronics didactic and experimental applications, engineering and hobbying. Usually, electronic devices propose 4 mm banana and BNC connections only...

Our job

Whether it’s specific developments or normative qualifications, our design office is at your disposal to support you in your testing projects. Take advantage of our expertise!